We are excited! Our first signs have arrived and are available for pick up, or for volunteers to deliver.
Share the Good News
If we wait for City Council to do the right thing, they will be deceived again into compromising the ‘clean and green’ uninterrupted natural view of OUR riverfront. Let your neighbours know that you are informed and willing to speak up FOR our parks.
What a View!
Because our riverfront is such a treasure it speaks for itself. That is why our lawn signs feature two great pictures of OUR riverfront. One is the rolling hillside that used to be railway marshalling yards and is now enjoyed by so many Windsorites. The other side features a wonderful sunset from the park where the Holiday Inn used to block this view from public enjoyment. Now, with that building no longer breaking up the view, the walking path and Riverside Drive enjoy a long, scenic view.
Amplify Our Voice
Of course, the sign points to this website. We need the strong, consistent, grounded voices of many, many people in order to change the City’s determined course. Instead of investing in lawyers to unravel the laws protecting OUR riverfront park, they ought to be researching ways to better protect OUR riverfront for future generations.
The proposed location for the Celestial Beacon is absolutely the wrong choice. Since Windsor has such a strong heritage in the auto industry, a better location is near the rail car east of the flag. Or. Even better is anywhere along the riverfront east of Ouellette Ave. This entire stretch to Hiram Walker is devoid of anything interesting. A prominent structure such as the beacon, streetcar and landscaping is just what is needed. To see for yourself, view our waterfront from the Detroit waterfront ( when safe to do do ) and you immediately see that West of the flag is a lengthy stretch of wonderful parkland and East of the flag is a vast wasteland. It’s actually embarrassing to look at.
And, of course, the proposed location destroys the wide open view of the Detroit River. Not only residents but drivers currently enjoy the view.
Are you old enough to remember the “plywood” Holiday Inn on the west side of town, right on the river. I remember the whole city happy to be rid of it when it burnt to the ground. The deals that were made to remove all the railway tracks and railway the ferry rail service from the downtown area. Council was delighted to get another portion for the riverfront from Hiram Walkers on the east side. To have a current council not respect the history, the work of the past is way past disappointing. Call your local councilor. Tell you to leave our waterfront green and unobstructed. Thank you.
Do the RIGHT THING and forget this irresponsible idea!!
This is a ridiculous WASTE of tax payer dollars! In the midst of a Covid 19 with so many people loosing employment, so many homeless people can we not come up with a better use for such a large amount of money! I think we can!
The Riverfront is a gift from past tax payers and city planners who were selfless enough to look to the future and leave a green legacy for grandchildren, greatgrandchildren, visitors, etc. Homes on the waterfront were purchased when they came up for sale, and torn down so that this green ribbon of land would be unencumbered for generations to come. Tourists, some I’ve spoken with from Australia, are amazed that little Windsor, Ontario would keep this prize for everyone to enjoy and appreciate. Foresight is no sight when city council looks to changing something that has withstood the test of time and is still relative to our present day quality of life.