Protect OUR Riverfront Parks

Dear Councillor,

Taxpayers, volunteers and leaders worked for decades and spent millions to reclaim the riverfront lands and shape “WINDSOR’S BEST ASSET”. Past City Councils legally protected the riverfront as a “clean and green” park for all. Residents in all City Wards treasure the riverfront parks. Tourists and investors delight in our parks.
Disregarding its own laws, the City decided to construct buildings along the riverfront that block the uninterrupted natural view. The City has declared it is planning to weaken the rules that protect OUR natural riverfront.
I am writing to tell City Council to not break these existing laws, ensure these laws are upheld, and defeat any attempt to weaken these laws. I urge City Hall to respect the LPAT decision and uphold current protections of the riverfront parks.

Respectfully submitted,

%%your signature%%

Keep it CLEAN AND GREEN. I would rather say \"I spoke up and you can now enjoy it\" rather than \"I said nothing and I remember what it used to be like.\"
316 signatures = 79% of goal

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